Tuesday, October 14, 2014

How to Build a Three-Step Platform

Platforms can be used for many purposes, like speaking in front of a gathered crowd or as small seating areas for movie as viewing platform. The finishing of a platform varies whether it's a permanent or temporary fixture.  Painting it or adding carpet for more festive look is an option.

Things you’ll need in building a platform:
·         1x6 boards
·         Saw
·         Hammer
·         2-inch nails
·         Measuring tape
·         3/4-inch plywood
·         2 stringers
·         2 deck stair brackets
·         4x4 posts
·         Two 3-step stair stringers
·         Wood screws
·         Drill
·         1x12-inch boards


The Platform

1.    Cut five 2x6-inch studs to 5 feet using a saw.
2.    Place three 5-feet studs parallel to one another on a flat area. Put a 5-feet stud at the very top and also at the bottom to create a frame. Set all the studs on their long, 1 and 1/2-inch side. Square all corners and center the middle stud.  Nail the 2-by-6-inch studs together using a hammer.
3.    Cut eight 28-inch parts of 4x4 post. Nail each 4x4 snugly into each one of the eight corners created through the frame, flush to the ground. These will form legs raising your platform to 2 ft. Flip platform over.
4.    Cut a 5x5 feet 3-inch piece of plywood. Put the plywood on the top of the platform frame. Nail the platform in position every six inches across the studs.
The Steps
5.    Place the first stringer in which you want the steps to be located.
6.    Level the top stringer to the top of the 2x6 frame of the platform. Secure the stringer towards the platform finding the bracket on the inside of the stairway and affixing it with deck screws. Locate the second stringer 2 feet away and secure it towards the platform exactly the same way.
7.    Cut three 2-foot lengths from the 1x12-inch boards.
8.    Place the 1x12-inch boards on top of the stringer as steps. Screw the steps into the stringer.

Mezzanines by Design is a certified fabricator that manufactures structural steel mezzanines, all platform types and fabricated steel products.   For more information regarding viewing platform, visit our website!